The BioFiles - Bill Hubick

Details for Record 245066

Page: Band-rumped Storm-Petrel (Oceanodroma castro)

Date: 5/28/2011

County: Dare

State: North Carolina

Country: United States

iNaturalist observation #40377044

Another Band-rumped Storm-Petrel in fresh plumage, probably Madeiran Storm-Petrel, off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (5/28/2011).

Another Band-rumped Storm-Petrel in fresh plumage, probably Madeiran Storm-Petrel, off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (5/28/2011).

Another Band-rumped Storm-Petrel in fresh plumage, probably Madeiran Storm-Petrel, off Cape Hatteras, North Carolina (5/28/2011).

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