The BioFiles - Bill Hubick

Details for Record 26080

Page: Iceland Gull (Larus glaucoides)

Date: 2/5/2011

County: Worcester County

State: Maryland

Country: United States

MBP record #31801

A first-cycle Kumlien's Gull also followed the boat for many miles (Maryland pelagic waters, 2/5/2011).

A first-cycle Kumlien's Gull also followed the boat for many miles (Maryland pelagic waters, 2/5/2011).

A first-cycle Kumlien's Gull also followed the boat for many miles (Maryland pelagic waters, 2/5/2011).

A first-cycle Kumlien's Gull also followed the boat for many miles (Maryland pelagic waters, 2/5/2011).

A first-cycle Kumlien's Gull also followed the boat for many miles (Maryland pelagic waters, 2/5/2011).

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