The BioFiles - Bill Hubick

Details for Record 210439

Page: Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus)

Date: 4/7/2007

County: Kent County

State: Delaware

Country: United States

iNaturalist observation #59714980

Great Horned Owl in Kent County, Delaware (4/7/2007). We found this fledged Great Horned Owl near a pine-lined marshy area near Little Creek, Delaware, and were blown away by its behavior. It held up its wings like a Sunbittern to look larger and was constantly clicking its bill. Quite an impressive sight for a young owl! There are not many predators around here to challenge such an intimidating prospect. We never left the car and only disturbed it for a minute or so as we snapped a few dozen images. Really fantastic bird, and an awesome behavior I'd never even heard of among owls. We saw one of its parents fly by while there, so we were confident it was not in any immediate trouble - probably just well-timed with one of its first attempts at flight.

Great Horned Owl in Kent County, Delaware (4/7/2007).

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