The BioFiles - Bill Hubick

Details for Record 210587

Page: Lesser Scaup (Aythya affinis)

Date: 2/10/2008

County: Dorchester

State: Maryland

Country: United States

iNaturalist observation #40440014

A male Lesser Scaup along the Cambridge waterfront in Dorchester County, Maryland (2/10/2008). along the Cambridge waterfront, Maryland (2/10/2008). Note his head shape, thin nail (tip of bill), and the traditionally cited purple gloss on the head. However, note that gloss color (green=Greater, purple=Lesser) is not considered a reliable field mark on its own.

Lesser Scaup in Dorchester County, Maryland (2/10/2008).

A male Lesser Scaup in Dorchester County, Maryland (2/10/2008).

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